For the ones grieving: Part 2

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I’ve learned that grieving is a process that is somewhat natural and somewhat intentional. Here are three coping mechanisms for us all:

  1. Turn to the light, find the blessings
    • There are always things to be thankful for, even in the darkest of times. There’s a saying that goes something like this; if you feel like you are surrounded by darkness, think of yourself as planted, not buried.
    • Choose to look for the good, and you will find the light. Incorporate a daily gratitude practice where you force yourself to think of a few things you are grateful for.
  2. Ask for exactly what you need
    • It’s hard to lean on others in this time. It feels like everyone is going through their own problems, and we don’t want to add our burdens. Don’t be afraid to ask people for what you need because that gives them permission to do the same.
    • Sometimes no one is saying what you actually need to hear, so you need to be specific in what support you need, otherwise people are just going to say what they think you want to hear.
  3. Turn to habits
    • Everyday habits – If you haven’t established a routine in this setting, you need to. Get up at a specific time, make the bed, eat breakfast, find time to workout. These habits will keep you grounded when everything else seems wrong.
    • Response habits – When I feel things, I write. I have been journaling and blogging, creating, and reading. Find habits that you’ve previously turned to during times of stress and make time for those things now.

We are all going to have moments in this season when we have to keel over or drop to our knees and grieve, but we need to stand up when we can. I hope you can use these habits and some of the words from part 1 of this post to find the strength you need to not only keep going in this season, but also to continue to be the best version of yourself everyday – for you and for the people who need you.

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