Morning Routine: My 10 Steps to Everyday Success

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I’m a huge advocate for having a morning routine and sticking to it. This is a post I’ve been wanting to write for a while because I feel like it’s so important. And now, routines are more important than ever, as we’re all trying to figure out what this new normal is.

I used to be the person who hit snooze 5 times and rolled out of bed begrudgingly with just enough time to gulp down some breakfast and brush my teeth. Now I give myself at least 40 minutes to wake up, and when I’m at my best, it’s an hour and 40 minutes. It’s amazing how much of a difference it’s made in my happiness and energy throughout the entire day.

Here’s what my morning routine looks like on my best days:

1. Wake up to my first alarm. On weekends I don’t set an alarm and let the sun wake me up instead. Some days, I still hit snooze. I’m not perfect. I want to be honest on this one because I know a lot of people and research says that you should wake up at the same time on weekends as you do on weekdays. That just hasn’t been realistic in my life, and that’s okay too.

2. Make the bed. There is a great motivational speech (and book) by U.S. Navy Admiral William McRaven that talks about the importance of making your bed every morning. It’s on YouTube by the title “If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.” The full video is 6 minutes long, but you only have to watch the first 45 seconds for the “make your bed” part.

3. Get dressed. Usually this is just in gym clothes since I bike to work, and put my uniform on when I get there, but with this new telework thing, I am using the opportunity to get to wear some of my real clothes when I get dressed in the morning.

4. Put a bagel in the toaster. While it’s toasting, do 3 sun salutations. It’s the perfect amount of time for me to stretch and move my body and for my bagel to get perfectly golden brown. If you don’t know what a sun salutation is, it’s one of the simplest yoga flows usually used as a warm-up at the beginning of a class. I’ve found it’s the perfect full-body stretch to get me moving.

5. Breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day. My go-to breakfast is a plain bagel toasted with avocado, a glass of water, and vitamins. It’s easy to make but it feels a little fancy. Call me basic. I know.

Side note: Always drink your water first! Your body is dehydrated after a night of sleep, and it’s so important to hydrate first thing! I know I said like 4 other things I do in the morning before I get to water, but I always make sure I take a sip of water before I eat or drink anything else. If you are a coffee drinker, you should have at least a full cup of water before your first cup of coffee.

6. While I’m eating my breakfast, I listen to two podcasts: “Optimal Living Daily” and “Skimm This.” These are 5-10 minutes each. I usually just have Google play “My Daily Podcasts” playlist on my Spotify, and it’ll roll right into one of my other favorite longer podcasts to play through the rest of my morning routine.

7. Pack lunch. A lot of people do this the night before, but I feel like it’s fresher and less mushy when I pack my food the morning of.

8. Wash dishes. For the same reasons I make the bed.

9. Teeth, hair, contacts. This block of time is for all the normal getting ready things.

10. Pack up. Again something a lot of people do the night before. I like to make it part of my morning routine because it helps me get set up for the day and focus my energy and attention on what I need for the day. It’s another tool for me to wake up my mind.

When I give myself 40 minutes in the morning, I get through step 10. If I give myself an extra hour in the morning, I use that time to focus on one thing for a whole hour. Usually that’s an OrangeTheory class. Sometimes it’s reading or writing. This is a way to ensure that I’m making time for myself and things that matter to me. It’s a way of checking in on my work-life balance. I find that when I do something for myself before I start the workday, I feel that I’m able to serve and show up for others better. You have to fill your own cup before you can pour into others.

Of course, not everyone has time for an hour and 40 minute morning routine. If you’re already waking up at 5 AM, and you have to be out the door by 5:20, I’m not saying you should change a thing. But if you’re waking up at 7:15 to be out the door by 7:30 because you stayed up until midnight the night before and you’re too exhausted to get up any earlier, then there might be some room for change. I challenge you to look at the excuses you’re making for not having a solid morning routine and really question if they’re valid.

Can you go to bed an hour earlier so you can wake up an hour earlier? What things should you be prioritizing in your morning routine that you’re not? You already know the things you should be doing in the morning. The healthy habits that would make you a better version of yourself. I challenge you to use the new-found time you have now to implement those practices. Maybe they’re not sustainable in your “real-life” but at least you can try.

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