Happy New Year! This is the first post of the year 2020, and if you used the tips and tricks in my last post of 2019, you have a list of 12 resolutions you want to accomplish in the New Year. I promised you all that I’d share my 12 with you along with my process for vision-boarding my year, so here is that post!
I started making an annual vision board going into the year 2018. I had read about them on Pinterest from other bloggers and creatives and decided to put together my own version with my goals, affirmations, and quotes that motivated me. Looking at these things every day reminded me of my intentions for the year which helped me focus my everyday life to inch towards those goals.
These were my vision boards for 2018 and 2019:

This year, I wanted to refine what I was putting on my board, so I came up with 6 elements:
- Priorities
- Resolutions
- Affirmations
- Travel Plan
- Power Quotes
- Mantras
My priorities this year are keeping in touch and creating and sharing. You should have one or two overarching things that you really want to focus on. The past two years for me have been focused on myself and finding what fills me up. This next year is about pouring into others, reconnecting, and giving.
12 Resolutions
If you read my last blog post, you know that I create resolutions by month. Before I put them on my vision board, I made sure I had a good balance of physical, mental, and emotional goals. This year, I have 5 physical, 3 mental, and 4 emotional resolutions. I also wanted to make sure that there were at least some of them that met my priorities.
Here they are:
- January: Wake up to my first alarm
- February: Train for half marathon
- March: Run half marathon
- April: Call friends and family
- May: Floss and stop cracking my knuckles (A habit to make, a habit to break)
- June: Develop a better nighttime routine
- July: Be on track to read 12 books by the end of the year
- August: Be on track to volunteer 100 hours this year
- September: Train for triathlon
- October: Do a triathlon
- November: Learn something new
- December: Send holiday cards
I tried to switch up my affirmations in 2019, but I ended up going back to my 2018 ones which I’d memorized from reading them 365 times:
I am happy. I am healthy. I am strong. I am safe. I am worthy. I am positive. I am blessed. I am thankful. I am loved. I am confident. Today will be sensational. (2018 version ended with Today will be great.)
These are tried and true for me. Feel free to steal them or come up with your own list.
Travel Plan
I realized there were 10 places I wanted to visit in 2020, and with only 12 months in the year and 30 days paid vacation, I wanted to write them down on paper to help prioritize. There’s a few musts for weddings I’ll be in, but the rest is still TBD. Still nice to see some places on the board to give me things to look forward to.
3 power quotes
I always put quotes on my vision board to help motivate me. These don’t necessarily get read everyday, but they’re there when I need a little extra encouragement. In 2018, I found a new quote every weekend to post to the board. Last year, I picked some movie quotes and other motivational quotes I found on Pinterest for the board. This year, I chose 3 strong Rachel Hollis quotes:
- “You must choose to be happy, grateful, and fulfilled. If you make that choice every single day, regardless of where you are or what’s happening, you will be happy.” -Rachel Hollis (Girl, Wash Your Face)
- “Comparison is the death of joy, and the only person you need to be better than is the one you were yesterday.” -Rachel Hollis (Girl, Wash Your Face)
- “By embracing your calling and refusing to hide your glow, you wouldn’t just make your world brighter, you’d light the way for the women who come behind you.” -Rachel Hollis (Girl, Stop Apologizing)
Last, but not least, I added some of my favorite mantras, AKA sayings to live by:
- There are no coincidences
- Everything happens for a reason
- If it’s meant to be, it will be
- I am enough
- I am made for more
- Live what you love
- She believed she could, so she did
- Though she be but little, she is fierce
And here’s how it came out!

If you think this craft would be helpful in your own life, here’s what you need:
- Bulletin board
- Paper
- Pen
- Scissors or paper cutter
- Push pins and/or ribbon and mini clothespins
- Command tape or hammer and nail to hang to the wall (optional—you can also just set the board up on your dresser)
- The 6 elements listed above
- Quiet time to think
If you’re a crafty person like me, you probably already have all of these things in your craft closet, so no excuses!
If you’re not a crafty person, you can create something very similar with post-it notes and a pen.
I’d love to hear if you made a 2020 vision board for yourself and if it it motivating you to reach for your goals. Tag or message @genuinesunshineblog on Instagram, or leave me a comment.
And if you like what you read here, follow @genuinesunshineblog on Instagram and look for new posts here at genuinesunshineblog.com every Sunday to start your week with sunshine!