A week and a half ago, I found out that I got selected for flight school! In January, I’ll move out to Pensacola, FL to train with the Navy in the hopes of becoming a Coast Guard helicopter pilot, and I’m so freaking excited!

For years, I let excuses hold me back from pursuing this dream. I was afraid of the commitment, I was afraid of failure, I was afraid of not being medically qualified, I was afraid of not being good enough, I was afraid of not wanting it enough, I was afraid to put myself out there, I was afraid of how it might change my life. And to be honest, I’m still afraid of all those things, but I’m no longer letting those fears hold me back. It is so incredibly empowering to face your fears head on and chase your dreams in spite of them.
I recently listened to the first episode of Brené Brown’s new “Dare to Lead” podcast, and she talked about daring leadership and how courage and fear aren’t opposites, but rather often co-exist. Courageous leadership is part being vulnerable and part how you react and respond to fear. The episode felt especially relevant to this season of my life. I’m so thankful I chose to believe in myself instead of my fears.
But facing my fears and deciding to apply for flight school was the first baby step on a long road. I look at the journey ahead and am in awe at the people who have come before me and made it to the end. I have friends and mentors in that elite group of Coast Guard aviators reaching out to me and offering advice and help; that has been such an incredible blessing. To have those people to not only inspire me, but also to lean on in the tough times to come will be so instrumental to my success. I don’t take that for granted. I am so humbled by the presence of these folks in my life and so thankful to have them in my back pocket as I start in this pursuit.
Since I saw my name on the list, I’ve felt so many emotions. It’s truly indescribable, the range of feelings I’ve felt about this opportunity—joy, excitement, happiness, fulfillment, thankfulness, humility, fear, anxiousness, and heartbreak…
We lost a future Coast Guard aviator last week. She was on a training flight out of Whiting Field, where I will be training next year if all goes well. Her plane crashed into a residential neighborhood, and the people in the home made it out, but she and her instructor didn’t. I saw it on the local news when I was in Pensacola looking for an apartment. I knew her. She was a beautiful soul, always smiling and laughing and joking. She brought such joy and positive energy to the world, and now she’s gone at age 24.
It shook me. People have asked if I’m okay with the accident having happened the same week I found out I was selected. The beautiful thing is that Morgan died in the pursuit of her dreams, doing something she loved, in training to save people’s lives. She’s an inspiration, and she’d want people to pursue their dreams fearlessly.
So as excited as I am to start this new chapter, I’m also greatly humbled and nervous. I understand what a great undertaking it is to learn to fly, and I don’t take the opportunity lightly or for granted. I feel so honored to get the chance to be a part of something so much bigger than myself, and I pray that I am worthy of the challenges that lay ahead.

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I’m so so happy for you and proud of you! You’ve accomplished so much already, I’m sure you’ll master this new step as well. It’s an honor to have such a strong, confident, and talented friend. Know that I’ll be rooting for you every step of the way ♡
Flying is such a wonderful sport, you’ll surely love it!
“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.” -Leonardo da Vinci