Hey there! Thanks for stopping by! I’m so happy you’re here, and I hope my writing can inspire you in some way.

Let me tell you a little bit about who I am and what you can find here on my blog. My name is Sarah Wright. (My parents and I and everyone else who knows me pronounce my first name S(ah)rah instead of S(air)ah.) I’m an active duty Coast Guard member, living in Miami, FL. My primary mission in life is to save lives, but I also feel a secondary mission to bring people together to celebrate humanity, grow happiness, and provide opportunities. I am all about personal growth and living more intentionally, more sustainably, and with a more minimalist mindset. I’m in my 20’s, figuring out how to adult, and using this blog to share everything I’m learning with you.
Disclaimer: The views, information, or opinions expressed on Genuine Sunshine Blog are solely those of the individual writer and do not represent those of the United States Coast Guard or any other government agency. Read full Disclaimers here.
I believe in lifelong learning and leaning into the uncomfortable. I believe that there are no coincidences and that everything happens for a reason.
Some things that bring me joy are yoga, swimming, reading, connecting with friends, exploring new places, Italian food, a good playlist, writing, photography, and crafting. This blog is a place where you’ll find all those things. I am a creative at heart and I best express myself through writing, so I thought blogging would be the perfect platform for me to do just that.
I started Genuine Sunshine Blog in December of 2019 and strive to post every Sunday. I’m always going to keep it real and show up as my most authentic self here. If the writer’s block is bad one week, I’d rather not post than post garbage content. I want to create a space on the Internet that’s just the good stuff. I’m not trying to sell you anything. I’m just sharing the things that help me live a more happy, healthy, and intentional lifestyle. Life is not always rainbows and butterflies, though, and sunshine can be scalding. Likewise, this blog is also a place for me to dig into tough topics and share things that I feel are important to address to create a safer and more beautiful world for all of us to live in. If you’re interested, I hope you dive in and maybe learn something along the way.

Here’s what you can expect to find on each tab:
Here you’ll find crafts and tutorials. If you’re a fellow crafter, you’ll love this page!
This is the home for all my favorite recipes as well as ideas for grocery shopping, meal planning, and meal prepping. If you’re a busy person who wants a simple but well-rounded diet, this page is for you!

I have a Bachelor of Science in Management, and my two favorite aspects of my studies were Marketing and Personal Finance; this tab dives into the personal finance piece. It’s all the stuff that they should teach you in school but don’t. I believe that everyone should have access to the knowledge of how to manage and grow your money. I also believe that there are not enough females teaching this stuff, so allow me to be one of them!
Personal Growth
This page is all about personal growth and figuring out how to adult. There are a lot of lessons we learn in life just from living, and I wanted a place to write about those as well as the stuff I was learning from reading personal growth books and listening to motivational podcasts. You don’t have to feel stuck to benefit from personal growth. These posts are all about living with more intention, being more sustainable, practicing a minimalist mindset, and focusing on what matters.

To be honest, I’m a pretty slow reader, but I aim to read a book each month of the year. I wanted a place to put my thoughts from those books, so that’s what you’ll find here. If you’re searching for your next read, check this page out!
No, I don’t mean locomotives. I mean the kind of training that’s going to the gym, moving your body, and training for races and events. I was a competitive swimmer for 18 years including 4 years as a Division III college athlete. Since then, I’ve become a big fan of OrangeTheory Fitness balanced with local run clubs and yoga. I ran my first 5K in February 2018 and worked my way up to my first half marathon in March 2020. I did my first mini sprint tri in October 2019. If you’re looking for motivation to get in shape or are interested in my 2-month training plans, you can find them here!

I am extremely blessed to have the privilege to travel and see the world. I travel for work and for leisure, and I like to share the gems I find on these adventures. Maybe you’ll find yourself in these places looking for things to do, or maybe you live vicariously through travel blogs. These blogs are my favorite to write and always have pictures!
And for those of you dear friends who have been on this journey with me already these first few years of blogging, you can find my latest and greatest post on the home page right below this one. Thank you for being a part of my life and supporting this creative passion of mine.

The comment boxes are open on recent posts, but if you want to chat about an older post, you can reach me on Instagram @genuinesunshineblog and let me know what you think! Also let me know what else you’d like to see on the blog; I’m open to ideas!
If you like what you read here, follow @genuinesunshineblog on Instagram and look for new posts here at genuinesunshineblog.com every Sunday to start your week with sunshine!