Earlier this week was my birthday, so around this time each year I get really reflective. I think about the things I’ve accomplished in the last year, who I have become, and how I want to define the next year of my life. I tune in and listen to my soul.
The previous chapter:
The past year has been a metamorphosis. Flight school was one of the most challenging things I’ve ever done. Fighting imposter syndrome, being evaluated daily, maintaining a long-distance relationship, and endless hours of studying were just some of the trials. Not to mention months-long delays in the training program and the depressing feeling of uselessness during those months. It was a tough chapter for me, but my friends and the yoga community in Pensacola got me through it.
During that time, I also decided to do 200-hour yoga teacher training and buy a new-construction house. In this past trip around the sun, I’ve taken on 4 new titles – wife, military pilot, yoga instructor, and real estate investor. It’s been a wild ride. Each new title has been the culmination of so much hard work and commitment.

It was a chapter of intense growth and fearlessness in the pursuit of my divine purpose. Fearless meaning acknowledging my fears and reservations and moving through them with grace. I’ll write a whole other blog post about that.
Since the end of April, I’ve been celebrating all of those accomplishments. I am so grateful for the combination of blessings, manifestation, and work ethic that enabled me to achieve all I have in this past chapter.
This chapter:
When I say that my soul is the happiest it’s been in a while, I mean that I feel so in alignment with who I’m meant to be in this world. It feels like I am exactly where I’m supposed to be, and I have clarity on where I need to be going next. I am becoming a woman beyond the little girl in me’s wildest dreams. 18-year-old me (10 years ago) would not be surprised by the person I’ve become, but she would be so freaking proud that we actually did it all.
I’m living the life I’ve been dreaming of for years. I’ve got my dream job serving as a Coast Guard helicopter pilot, living in a big city with the love of my life, and we live on the water in Florida in a high-rise with a stunning view. We also own a 4-bedroom brand-new house in Florida that’s rented out. Plus we won a wedding giveaway which is enabling us to share our love with our dearest family and friends at a fraction of what a 2023 wedding realistically costs. We’ve been fortunate to be able to take time off work and visit family multiple times in the past few months. Life is unreal at the moment. We are so blessed. We say grace together before dinner each night and thank God for the blessings in our lives. Our gratitude is beyond words.

So what’s left to do if I’m already living the dream?
Next chapter:
This year I want to continue to prioritize my passions and use them to serve others and save lives. Time is our most precious resource, and I want to spend it on the things that make me feel most alive, vivid, and connected. This year, I’ll fly on Coast Guard search and rescue cases. I’ll share the practice of yoga. I’ll continue to prioritize human connection whether through meeting new people, reconnecting with old friends, or taking time to travel to share moments together in real life. I’ll continue to practice being fully present in my marriage and with my family and friends. I’ll find more time to be creative and to wonder and to explore and to write.

The energy is electric. There is so much yet to come.
Cheers to another trip around the sun!

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