I haven’t had much time to write lately. Flight school is keeping me busy now, and I’ve had to devote a lot of my time to studying. But this post is an important reflection I do each year, and it’s significant to my blog because it was also my very first post in 2019. So without further ado, here are 10 things I’m grateful for this year.
1. The opportunity to train to become a pilot in the world’s best Coast Guard. It’s easy to get caught up in the everyday grind of whatever you’re doing, and I’ve felt that a lot here. I compare myself to other flight school students in the same boat, so sometimes I forget that my everyday normal is not everyone’s everyday normal. I forget sometimes that what we’re doing is extraordinary and that so many people will dream of having the opportunity we do and that such a small percentage of those people will even have the chance. Some days, though, I put on my flight suit and grab my personally-fitted gear out of a locker on base with my name on it, and I am hit with the sudden realization that I am living the dream.
2. The support of my family and friends in chasing this dream. People know that military members make sacrifices like giving up certain freedoms and being away from home. What people don’t always realize is that that member’s family and friends have to sacrifice too. I planned on being a bridesmaid for one of my best friends of over 15 years. She was supposed to get married in 2020, but we all know how that went. It was postponed to this year and with my flight school schedule, I wasn’t able to make it. I felt so bad and knew she would be crushed when I had to break the news. She not only was super understanding, but they also put a sign up at the wedding that said, “This will remain land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. We honor our friends who are bravely serving our country and celebrating from afar.”

3. The flight school students who came before me. Flight school is not a cake walk. The concepts aren’t too hard to learn, but the rate at which we’re expected to learn is pretty intense. Last week, I had two exams and a graded simulator event. This week, I had a graded simulator event every day, each with different concepts to brief and simulated emergencies to respond to. I don’t think I could do it without the help, advice, and guidance of those who came ahead of me. The people who came decades ahead provide me mentoring and lessons learned. The people who came a few years ahead provide me the light at the end of the tunnel. The people who are a few weeks ahead of me provide me with what we call gouge which is basically information on how to handle the next graded event.
4. Finding community in Pensacola. In addition to my classmates, I’ve been blessed to find some good quality friends to spend my free time with. I even convinced a few of them to run a half marathon with me. If that’s not commitment to friendship, I don’t know what is.

5. The whole human experience. 2021 has been another tumultuous year. From highs to lows and grief to celebration, I’m thankful for all the emotions that make us feel alive and remind us to live fully and not to take any moments for granted. No one really enjoys the tough times, but it’s in the low times that we find out who stands with us and where we grow stronger and learn empathy.
6. The beautiful images and moments God creates for our eyes only. On my flight out for Thanksgiving, I was on a red-eye flight. I had a window seat, so I passed out with my head against the window. When I woke up, the sun was just peeking over the horizon and the view was stunning. I tried to take some pictures, but you know how some moments just can’t be captured by a camera. Sometimes these moments are made just for our eyes to enjoy. And the beauty of it is that no one else in the world will ever see the exact same view you see through your eyes because your perspective is uniquely your own.
7. The opportunity to be with family for the holidays. I’m thankful I had access to the COVID vaccine early in the year to allow me to travel and stay safe. I’m thankful that the airlines are continuing to operate and trying to meet the demand of this holiday season. I’m thankful that our Thanksgiving flights didn’t get delayed. And I’m thankful that my command approved my leave for both Thanksgiving and Christmas.
8. Audiobooks and podcasts. With the longest commute I’ve had thus far of 40 minutes, I’m extra grateful for audiobooks and podcasts this year to keep me awake and entertained while I drive and make me feel like it’s not wasted time.
9. All the little things that make life a little better. I’m thankful for the person who puts the festive soaps in public bathrooms. I’m thankful for Taylor Swift releasing the 10-minute version of All Too Well. I’m thankful for the stranger who passes along a smile. I’m thankful for the people who leave joyful messages in sidewalk chalk.
10. Lastly, I’m thankful for being here with my family for Thanksgiving. I’m thankful for Eddie coming with me on this trip and for our flights being on-time and safe. I’m thankful that we can spend this Thanksgiving together with my Uncle on his farm, a place that feels to me like the song, “Somewhere Only We Know.”
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